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Tooth-Colored Fillings – Daytona Beach, FL

Treat Cavities Without Highlighting Damaged Teeth

In the past, stopping dental decay in its tracks meant placing a noticeable amalgam filling that resulted in a variety of side-effects, such as tooth discoloration and enhanced dental sensitivity. Over the past few decades, dentists have turned to a better, safer, and more reliable option, called tooth-colored fillings in Daytona Beach. Instead of drawing attention to damaged teeth when you smile, customized modern fillings provide you with lasting protection without impacting the appearance of your grin.

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

a dental mirror magnifying a tooth-colored filling in Daytona BeachIn the early and mid 1900s, amalgam fillings, also known as metal or silver fillings, were the most popular cavity treatment. Although they’re still offered today, many patients opt for the more modern option, known as tooth-colored fillings, because they’re more durable, safe, and don’t cause side-effects after being in the mouth for long periods of time.

Tooth-colored fillings are made of a biocompatible composite resin that’s comprised of small particles of glass and acrylic. Once bonded and cured, the resin chemically bonds to your natural enamel, providing a strong, protective seal to prevent additional damage and sensitivity.

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

before-and-after cavity after a tooth-colored filling

Tooth-colored fillings offer a variety of benefits. Some of these include:

  • Preservation of your natural tooth structure. Amalgam fillings aren’t biocompatible, which requires dentists to remove more of your natural tooth structure in order to secure them to the tooth. Since composite resin bonds with your enamel, less of your tooth will need to be altered to secure it.
  • Less sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Composite resin offers a stronger bond, allowing it to better protect the nerves inside the tooth.
  • Lasting protection against decay. Due to its stronger bond, the vulnerable inner portion of the tooth is better protected from harmful oral bacteria.

Making Your Filling Last Longer

a child covering their mouth

Once your filling is placed, proper daily maintenance can allow it to last for five or more years. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your filling:

  • Brush twice each day.
  • Floss once a day.
  • Rinse with antibacterial mouthwash every day.
  • Limit your intake of sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

If you have any issues with your filling or it falls out, don’t hesitate to contact our office so we can repair or replace it immediately.