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Dentures – Daytona Beach, FL

Complete Your Smile with a Quality Prosthetic

Completing daily tasks, like eating, speaking, and smiling, can be challenging when you are missing several, most of, or all of your teeth. If you’re looking for a new, custom-made denture, visiting Dr. David R. Lloyd is the right choice for you! He and his team at Indigo Dental of Daytona Beach provide high-quality dentures that are comfortable, modern, and reliable in nature. To learn more about how you can complete your smile with a quality prosthetic, give us a call. We’d be happy to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Closeup of woman smiling with dentures in Daytona BeachDentures are recommended for patients who have suffered from tooth loss in the past thanks to decay, infection, or injury. Depending on the number of teeth that you are missing and where they are located in the mouth, a customized plan can be created just for you to restore the appearance and function of your smile. If you currently are dealing with oral health issues, like gum disease, they will need to be treated before you can move forward in the process of getting dentures. Our number one priority is always the health and wellbeing of your smile!

Types of Dentures

Dentist holding full dentures in Daytona BeachThere are a few different types of dentures out there in order to cater to a variety of different needs. During your initial consultation with us, we’ll discuss which of the following is best suited for your unique smile:

Partial Dentures

If you still have some healthy remaining teeth, partial dentures, also known as partials, can fill in the gaps to complete your smile. This type of dentures is designed to fit between the existing teeth like a puzzle piece in order to fill in the gaps. Small, discrete clasps wrap around your natural tooth structure in order to keep the restoration firmly in place.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are made to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. They are held into place by the shape and suction of the gum tissue. Similar to partials, full dentures are made from a gum-colored base that holds natural-looking replacement teeth into place.

Implant Dentures

For a superior fit and unsurpassed stability, dental implants dentures provide an excellent solution. They are tiny titanium posts that act as prosthetic roots for the dentures that are affixed on top. Not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants, but patients who are benefit from better oral health, a more natural-looking tooth replacement, and teeth that fit just like they should for a lifetime to come.

The Benefits of Dentures

Senior couple with dentures in Daytona Beach sharing a milkshakeDentures have all sorts of different benefits that you can expect to experience. Here are just a handful of them:

  • Allows for easy eating
  • Improves speech
  • Supports facial muscles
  • Prevents movement of surrounding teeth
  • Covered by most dental insurance plans
  • Removable for easy cleaning
  • Natural appearance
  • Increases confidence

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Just like most other dental procedures, the cost of getting dentures varies on your unique needs, your dental insurance coverage, and a variety of other factors. There’s no need to fret though, our team at Indigo Dental of Daytona Beach is here to guide you through the process to make it as hassle-free, affordable, and enjoyable as possible. We can’t wait to see you with your newly completed smile!

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures

a person smiling and researching denture on a laptop

There are a few major factors that impact the cost dentures in Daytona Beach. We’ll outline each of these during your initial consultation in detail:

  • Before your dentures can be worn, do you require any preparatory procedures, such as a tooth extraction or other oral health treatments, like gum disease therapy?
  • What type of acrylic would you like to be used for the base of your dentures? It will be dyed to match your specific gum color to look as realistic as possible.
  • Would you like your replacement teeth to be made from acrylic or porcelain? Both of these materials are durable and can be customized to look like natural, home-grown tooth enamel.

Many patients come in with a budget in mind and try to form their treatment around that budget, but we often advise against doing this, because the cheapest option isn’t always the best for some patients. We’ll outline all of your options in greater detail once we have a chance to conduct a visual examination of your mouth.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

person drinking a cup of coffee and petting their dog while sitting on a bench in their backyard

Yes, implant-retained dentures in Daytona Beach are more expensive than traditional ones, because there are several additional steps involved. However, they offer a wide variety of benefits that you won’t be able to receive with traditional dentures, including enhanced chewing power, added stability, and the ability to last for over 30 years with regular maintenance. Since they restore the entire structure of your natural teeth, including the roots, this procedure requires an implant placement surgery, which is an added expense. That being said, this treatment is an investment that will definitely be worthwhile for many patients.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

a person smiling and waving from their car window

Most dental insurance plans cover around 50 percent of the cost of dentures. However, it’s important to keep in mind that every plan is different. Our team will be more than happy to help you navigate your benefits and learn whether your treatment will be covered by your plan. We also offer additional financing at little to no interest if your plan doesn’t cover as much as you need it to!

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

At Indigo Dental of Daytona Beach, our team is passionate about helping our patients improve their oral health by ensuring that cost doesn’t stop them from improving the function and appearance of their grins. We’re proud to offer additional financing and a variety of payment options to fit your needs and integrate with your budget. We also accept cash or check and major credit cards as well.

If you don’t have dental insurance, we recommend looking into our in-house membership plans, which cover all basic preventive care as well as 15% off of additional treatments. All you need to do is pay a flat, monthly, or annual rate to get the coverage you need.

Dentures FAQs

Blue FAQs about dentures.

Dentures have been used for decades to treat significant tooth loss. Thanks to several improvements along the way, they are more realistic than ever. If you’re ready to replace your missing teeth, they are a great solution to enjoy a beautiful smile again; however, before you’re ready to commit, we know you have a few concerns. Here are the answers to a few of the most common questions patients ask us to help ease any apprehensions.

Do dentures have to be kept in water?

Your dentures can last for several years with the right care and precautions, like preventing your new teeth from drying out. When your dentures aren’t in your mouth, it’s best to keep them in water to prevent them from warping, which will cause them to fit uncomfortably. Although there are many denture solutions on the market, the safest liquid to store them in is water because it will keep them moist and protected from the elements.

In addition to soaking them in water, it’s best to use a cleaning solution designed for dentures; however, don’t use any that can bleach your teeth. Harsh chemicals can damage or tarnish your dentures, but the right cleaner will help kill harmful bacteria that can lead to unpleasant odors or irritation of your soft tissues.

How many hours a day should I wear my dentures?

If your dentures are removable, we advise taking them out before going to bed. Although you probably don’t want to be caught without your teeth, it’s best to give your gums a rest. In addition, you need the time to clean and soak your dentures.

Initially, we may recommend you wear your new teeth at night to give your mouth time to adjust to them. After about one week, you can take them out at night while you’re sleeping.

Do dentures irritate your gums?

New innovations in dentistry have improved the fit of dentures. They shouldn’t irritate your gums; however, your dentures can slip over time. Your jawbone will slowly deteriorate because it isn’t being stimulated by the tooth roots. As a result, your mouth will change shape over the years. Unfortunately, your dentures won’t change with it, so it may lead to irritation. If you notice your dentures aren’t fitting as well as they were, it’s time to have them relined. We can adjust them to restore a comfortable fit.

How long do dentures last?

Dentures are made of durable material, but they will experience daily wear and tear. On average, dentures last for 5 to 7 years before needing to be replaced. There are several things you can do to promote their longevity, such as cleaning them daily with a nonabrasive toothbrush, soaking them at night, and protecting them from heat. Don’t forget to visit our office at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. We’ll check your dentures at each appointment to ensure they are undamaged and functioning as intended to last for several years.

Will it be hard to adjust to my denture?

It may take some time to get used to wearing a denture at first. In the first few weeks, you may notice your mouth producing extra saliva as a reaction to the new prosthetic. Increased saliva after dentures is temporary. To speed through the adjustment phase, wear your denture as directed during the day, and do not remove it to eat.

Chewing may be difficult at first as well since you aren’t used to your denture quite yet, but with some persistence, you will soon be eating all your favorite foods once again! Begin by taking small bites, chewing slowly, and eating softer foods. Resume regular eating as you become more comfortable with your dentures.

If you have trouble speaking with your denture, practice reading out loud to get used to what it feels like. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water if you experience soreness or sore spots on the mouth. If soreness persists, visit your dentist.

How Long Will You Have to Wait to Get Dentures After Your Teeth Are Pulled?

On average, most patients have to wait about six to eight weeks after their teeth are pulled to receive dentures. Even though two months sounds like a long time, it’s necessary to ensure the gums heal properly. Additionally, the exact amount of time needed depends on the type of denture in question. Immediate dentures can be placed on the same day as an extraction. However, you’ll need to replace your prosthetic sooner than expected because the shape of the underlying bone and gums changes as the mouth heals. If you’re getting implant dentures, you’ll need to wait about four to six months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone via osseointegration.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

When you first get your dentures in Daytona Beach, you’ll be asked to keep your dentures in your mouth for 24 hours, including sleep. However, it’s strongly recommended that you remove them every night after that initial period. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft tissue irritation and potentially speeding up ridge resorption. By taking them out nightly, you give your gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need during the night. Also, sleeping with dentures is associated with poor oral hygiene and a higher risk of pneumonia.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

If you need to have your teeth pulled before getting dentures, you’ll likely experience some discomfort after your oral surgery. Luckily, you can easily manage it by taking over-the-counter pain medication as directed and using a cold compress. Your symptoms should improve within three to five days of your procedure. When you first get your prosthetic, you may have mild irritation while your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. Although it can take months to get used to your new smile, the amount of time the discomfort lasts will vary from person to person.

Is It Hard to Talk with Dentures?

Initially, you’ll find it difficult to speak with dentures because you’re so used to speaking with your natural teeth. However, the more you practice talking, the faster the adjustment process goes. Once you learn to correct the changes in your palate, any lisp you develop should go away. You can speed up the adjustment process by reading aloud, repeating difficult-to-pronounce words, and having more conversations with loved ones. If you need extra stability to help you speak, you should consider using denture adhesive while you adjust.