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Sedation Dentistry – Daytona Beach, Florida

Feel Comfortable During Your Next Dental Visit

What Sedation Dentistry Options Are Available?

You may feel skeptical about the idea of being able to feel fully at ease during your dentist’s appointment after years of worry and anxiety, but we ask that you trust us. Oral conscious sedation comes in the form of prescribed medication, and we’ll provide you with all the instructions you need for when to take this medication before your scheduled appointment. Once the effects start, patients should feel deeply comfortable while still remaining aware enough to respond to requests from our staff throughout the procedure.

You may feel skeptical about the idea of being able to feel fully at ease during your dentist’s appointment after years of worry and anxiety, but we ask that you trust us. Oral conscious sedation comes in the form of prescribed medication, and we’ll provide you with all the instructions you need for when to take this medication before your scheduled appointment. Once the effects start, patients should feel deeply comfortable while still remaining aware enough to respond to requests from our staff throughout the procedure.

Once we’ve completed your treatment and you’ve had time to recover from the effects of oral conscious sedation, it’s likely that you will remember very little about the time you spent here in our Daytona Beach practice, which is an ideal outcome for many patients. All we ask when undergoing this effective sedation method is that you have a trusted friend or family member escort you both to and from the practice.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Patient with nitrous oxide nasal mask

In addition to oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide is also available here at Indigo Dental of Daytona Beach. You may know this substance by a more familiar name: laughing gas! Nitrous oxide sedation can help patients feel more relaxed within a matter of minutes. The biggest benefit of this medication is that the effects wear off very quickly, meaning you can get back to your routine without having to endure any inconvenient downtime. If you’re worried about your dental appointment or want to learn more, here’s what you should consider when it comes to nitrous oxide.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

a woman in Daytona Beach worried about getting dental treatment

This form of sedation dentistry is an ideal choice for patients who typically feel nervous or fearful of dental treatment. Nitrous oxide is especially helpful to those who are only struggling with a mild level of anxiety or don’t require lengthy procedures. That said, here are several signs that you might be a good candidate for this medication:

  • You have trouble sitting still for long periods
  • You struggle with a sensitive gag reflex
  • Needles make you uncomfortable
  • Local anesthesia does not easily numb your mouth

Though nitrous oxide is beneficial for many, certain groups may not be eligible. For example, pregnant women or people with sinus congestion may not undergo this medication, as it can end up being problematic. Our team will be sure to find a better solution for you if this is the case so that you can still have a pleasant experience.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

a patient undergoing nitrous oxide sedation in Daytona Beach

Our team will place a nasal mask that will release a mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide for you to breathe. After a few short moments, you should begin to feel greatly relaxed and stress-free. You may even feel euphoric or on the verge of a good rest!

A qualified member will be sure to monitor your vitals and adjust your level of sedation when necessary during your treatment to keep you completely safe. Once your appointment is over, we’ll simply remove the mask and allow the effects of nitrous oxide to wear off. Fortunately, this process should be quick and effortless, as you’ll be in full control of yourself in no time.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

a patient smiling after undergoing nitrous oxide sedation

Even though the effects should wear off in good time, we’ll still want you to stay in the office for a few minutes so that we can assess your condition. After we’ve verified that you’re good to go, you’ll be sent on your way to continue your daily activities. You won’t even require someone to drive you to and from the office. Still, depending on the kind of treatment you underwent, you may want to take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise. If you notice any issues, be sure to notify us right away for help.

Benefits of Dental Sedation

Dental sedation isn’t right for everyone, but if you choose to utilize this service, you can expect a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress – many people experience anxiety or phobia related to dental office visits, making even the gentlest treatments a struggle. Sedation can dramatically improve your experience in the dental office, so you can receive the dentistry services you need without the stress that you don’t.
  • Decreased discomfort – if you have sensitive teeth, gums, or gag reflex, sedation can make dental care much more comfortable. This is also true for those patients who have physical pain or damage that makes extended time in the dental chair very uncomfortable.
  • Saved time – because we can complete numerous our complex dentistry services all in one appointment, you won’t need to worry about visiting us multiple times to complete more advanced dental treatments.
  • Improved safety – for kids, those with cognitive impairment, and patients who are medically compromised, sedation during dental treatment can actually make these procedures much safer, allowing us to perform the necessary treatment without unnecessarily taxing these individuals.

Cost of Dental Sedation

Nitrous oxide sedation will typically cost less than $200 out of pocket for most patients. This form of sedation is often covered by your dental insurance policy, so you can offset the out of pocket costs by maximizing these benefits. The oral sedatives we prescribe are often covered by your medical insurance plans, and many patients only have to pay their insurance policy’s prescription copay. We’re happy to work with you to make the most of your available dental insurance benefits to cover the cost of sedation dentistry, and we are happy to work with CareCredit to provide low and no interest payment plans to fit the costs of dental sedatives into almost any budget.

Driving After Sedation

In the event that you choose oral conscious sedation over nitrous oxide, it’s important that you have a friend or family member drive you to and from the practice for your appointment. The effects of oral conscious sedation are significantly more powerful than what you’ll find with nitrous oxide. That means their effects will take longer to wear off. By having a trusted individual drive you to and from your appointment, you avoid putting yourself or others at risk.

Furthermore, those who choose oral conscious sedation should rest for at least 24 hours before resuming normal activities. This includes driving and working as the effects can carry some residual side effects. While oral conscious sedation is incredibly effective at making you drowsy and more comfortable at your visit, you don’t want to be experiencing these effects outside of the dental office at your job or while operating heavy machinery.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

patient talking to dentist

Does the thought of visiting Dr. Lloyd fill you with anxiety or fear? You're not alone. Fortunately, sedation dentistry offers a solution that can help you overcome your dental phobias and comfortably receive the necessary care. Below, we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions to help demystify the process and address common concerns. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out for personal assistance!

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Absolutely! Sedation dentistry is a generally safe choice for the majority of patients, with nitrous oxide being the safest one. Before administering sedation, Dr. Lloyd will carefully review your medical history and medications to identify any potential interactions. Throughout your appointment, your vital signs (i.e., blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate) will be closely monitored by our team to ensure your safety.

Will I Remember Anything with Dental Sedation?

While you remain conscious during most sedation methods, it's very likely that you won't remember much from the procedure. However, compared to oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide, IV sedation is more likely to induce temporary memory loss. The good news is that this amnesic effect is highly beneficial for patients coping with severe anxiety or traumatic past dental encounters. Being able to forget the procedure enhances the overall experience, allowing patients to receive necessary dental treatment with greater ease and comfort.

What Are the Risks of Sedation Dentistry?

Although sedation dentistry is generally safe, it's important to acknowledge that certain patients may face potential risks. For instance, those with obstructive sleep apnea or who are on specific medications may be at higher risk of complications during sedation.

Keep in mind that some common side effects, such as nausea, headache, and grogginess, may persist for a few hours after the procedure. Be sure to discuss any concerns or medical conditions with your dentist to ensure the safest possible experience.

How Long Does Dental Sedation Last?

It depends on the type of sedation administered! Nitrous oxide effects typically fade within five minutes, allowing you to drive or return to work without lingering drowsiness.

Oral conscious sedation may keep you under its influence for the remainder of the day. For that reason, you should refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery for 24 hours after the procedure.

IV sedation and general anesthesia effects fade shortly after the procedure, but you might experience grogginess for several hours afterward. Because of that, arranging to have a trusted individual drive you home is strongly recommended to ensure your safety.